Exploring Kerala through Railway maps

The Kerala is one of the best places in India which is fertile and green all around the year .It has been a famous tourist destination as it has a rich cultural heritage, backwater, sea life, nature, scenic beauty, unpolluted environment, herbal and ayurvedic healthcare. 

Kerala Railways
The tourist are bound to the fact that railways are the important means of transportation in exploring the insights and local areas of Kerala, which still lack airports to all local district and towns. The railway routes are broadly classified into meter gauge which connect the local district and towns, and broad gauge which connects the cities and states rail routes. These details are important when planning to travel through Kerala, and maps are the only help through which you can easily guide in booking you're travel details.

The Kerala railways is an important rail line connecting the trading harbor city to the rest of south and north Indian states .It started at Malabar in 1861 and the railways play an important role in connecting the cities to all the districts within Kerala. The transportation of goods from and to Cochin Port was a major factor that made rail routes in Kerala indispensable. The maps about the Kerala railways give a clear virtual tour of the rail routes and the stations that connect the various destinations. The Kerala railways comes under the division of southern railways .Every map has an unique attribute and purpose ,they not only point the locations and directions but also are created to be useful for a specific need. The railway route of Kerala gives the list of stations which follows meter meter gauge and a broad gauge. The meter gauge are mainly for local train connecting within Kerala and broad gauge trains are train that connect different states and they have stop limits.

Maps on Kerala Railways

Railways are most predominant means of transport in India, which is affordable and more frequent. The Kerala Railway map have clickable options, which guides the user through the rail routes available for every cities in detail .They clearly indicate the broad gauge lines and meter gauge lines in the map and the routes from one destination to the other. 

The map includes a scale which classifies the district boundary, state boundary, major stations and railway routes. When clicking on the district, it opens a new map which enlarges the district giving detailed information on all the towns in the cities and the rail route connecting to the cities and the important towns and the district headquarters. These maps are virtual guide to traders and tourists who would like to explore the beauty of Kerala.

Maps play a vital factor in helping traveler to track their destinations as well as book their rail tickets to the desired locations .The Kerala railways have frequent trains running through all the major cities in Kerala as well as the major state capitals all around India. The maps give a clear information of the rail routes though out India as railways is a life line of India transportation

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